Saturday, November 13, 2010

The Dream I choose to live...

I knew what I was walking into was an endless maze,
yet I was certain this was where I wanted to be lost.
I knew this gamble would rob me of all I had,
yet I knew I wanted to lose myself to it.
I knew that in this life I would never be a free bird again,
yet this was one cage that I wanted to be held captive in.
I knew that it would bewitch me, enamour me,
yet this was one spell I wanted to be bound by.
I knew that this time I wouldn't have the last laugh,
yet this was a battle I was ready to surrender.
I knew this night had no morning,
yet I wanted to enter the never-ending slumber.

I choose to be lost in the maze of her life.
I choose to lose myself to the innocence of her smile.
I choose to be held captive in the confine of her eyes.
I choose to be bound by the spell that her words cast.
I choose to surrender every battle to her smile.
I choose to never be woken up from the dream of her love.


  1. u seem besotted by someone, anyways she is the luckiest girl in the world whosoever she is. GOD bless both of you :)

  2. yep I am ! and idk if she is the luckiest or not..i sure am very lucky :D..and thank you !

  3. never knew about the poet in you!! nice!
