Sunday, August 26, 2012


They say Lord Krishna guided Arjun through his mind-battles through the wisdom of the Gita..Christ gave his sermons and enlightened a few...however the mythology goes.."mythology" it remains and probably a way of our own to find something to hold on believe in ..coz ever so often I stand at this point in life where there's darkness around and no matter how hard you look you can't tell where to go. Or there are paths but which to choose is not always the easiest choice to make. Who then guides me? Where is my own God to come give me the wisdom to find my way through my battles? There will be none. And then I shall be told this was His way of believing in me and making me find my own paths because He knew I was capable of it. Essentially the shit I do is my own doing and the good things I do are my own doing but ultimately it will somehow be attributed to "destiny" or God..or some other name you call it. Not that I am an atheist or whatever name you wanna give it, I do believe in the phenomenon they call God. This wasn't even the intent of me starting to write all this.

So let me get to the point. How do you choose when you stand at crossroads where each path you see is the one you want more than anything..yet there are more than 1 of them, ironically..and you have to choose..coz they refuse to merge, and its not their ego, they never asked you to want each one of them, they had always stood there as 4 different paths leading to 4 different destinations, but you chose to dare to tread each one and reach each destination. But what now? you have come this far, given it so much and NOW they ask you to choose?  you can't. you are incapable of doing so. what do you do then? where do you go? none of them wants to help you find a way to be able to resolve this something thats killing your mind and eating your insides. You're numb to the extent that noone around you even notices, why would they care to notice? who are you n why would they be bothered when they have their own lives and crossroads to deal with? but they do choose their paths and happily tread them without wanting to experiment all the other paths too. why did you then have to pick all 4 at once and wish to have them all, you ask yourself. But sometimes its too late. And you're all alone standing there to figure out where to go? The question is do you figure it out? And if you do, do you pick the right path, or do you ruin it all by taking the wrong one...or do you just stand their numb and get run over by something right there n the dead centre of it all..