Okay. So I have no clue of what I am gonna write, but I do know that I want to write. Earlier today I had thought of saying stuff that I had in me but the point that i wanted to emphasize doesn't seem worth it to me anymore. There is a lot to be said but probably will have no coherence of any sort.
First things first. MBA. So you begin by becoming a part of this rat-race of trying to get into a great B-school because u suddenly think this is made for you or because everyone is doing it or because you are fed up of what you are doing or because money lures you into it. And mind you, this is after you joined a rat race 4-5 yrs back when you ran to get into an IIT or an SRCC because back then that seemed the right thing, or the thing everyone was doing, or the thing that you were "made for". OK, not digressing from where I was, you start to run this race and you realize oh your pretty good at it and you get these occasional ego boosts when you do better than most in so called "tests" (I am afraid I don't know WHAT is it they test though). And here it is. You have cracked it. Beaten thousands of people to get into that coveted B-school, the one you dreamed of. Or maybe you think you could have been at an even better one. But whatever, now that you're in it, you're in it because you thought it was good enough for you or as was in my case , you thought that it doesn't really matter because you will be you whether here or at a slightly better place.
So here you are among around 200-300 of the brightest minds in India ( or so you like to think and so do the ones who selected you) and so happy and proud of yourself that you have finally achieved something big. Well, the game has just begun. Or I may say it never ends.
So its the same old story, another rat race , this time for grades - "relative" grades I might add and jobs which have place for only the best ( or again the ones they think are the best). Only this time its a competition between fewer people but all exceptional in their own ways. So is it easier? or is it tougher? I' ll leave that for you to decide. But its a rat race for sure. And then slowly you realize there is nothing really special about what you are doing, its just the usual stuff you have been doing all your life- the so called "quest for knowledge" which for the major part of it ( read 99%) is spent in trying to beat the other and not really learning anything. Of course there are exceptions who don't really bother about all such "materialistic" things but then whatever who cares.
There is a lot more to be said and a lot more to be written but it shall be written some other time. For now the question is where does this really end? Or does it ever even end ? I fail to understand. And the irony is if you choose to not run the rat race , you are thrown out of the whole system, out of the whole scheme of things, because you aren't "fit for the course". You aren't a competent enough rat if said in simple terms.